The royal achievement of Kutai

The royal achievement of Kutai dates also from the time of Sultan Alimuddin. It was described and explained by him in a paper called
 “Djelasnja symbool ini disoesoen ketika Srie Padoeka Jang Maha Moelia Toeankoe sultan Almarhoem adji mohammad ‘alimoeddin mendjadi Radja di Keradjaan Koetai Karta Negara.” 

The achievement is of European fashion, and consists of a crowned shield, supporters and a mantle. On the shield some parts of the Royal Treasure are depicted referring to the ruling dynasty and the inauguration of the sovereign. In the compartment are the regalia: Blowing pipes, cords and kris. The gong, on which the sovereign was presented to its parents is carrying the shield and symbolizes the phrase “of the Empire”. The stone, described in the Salasila, is replaced by a globe, also a symbol of the territory.

The tigers are the symbols of a king (in Buddhist symbolism: - of wild animals), “worthy and courageous supreme commander of the army”. As a result, the sultan of Kutai is represented here as having a rank equal to a Raja (king) and not to a Maharaja (high king) for which the insignia was a lion. The achievement is:

Arms: Argent, 3 Í 3:
1.: A galok, one of the arms of the people of Kutai.
2.: A drinking vessel on a tripod used by the sultan after the polishing of his teeth
3.: Cannon Si-Sapu-Jagat used when the umbilical cord of the founder of the dynasty came off
4.: Kutai shield
5.: Drinking vessel of Maharaja Sultan (r. 1450-)
6.: Vessel (not explicated)
7.: Cannon fired when the sultan entered his palace before the polishing of his teeth.
8.: A censer to burn incense and perfume before a traditional meeting of the Kingdom of Kutai Kartanegara
9.: Bowl used at the meal of the sultan after the polishing of his teeth.

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